Reconnect with your inner artist, and start showing up in the world

Learn the steps you must take in order to create the most radical, powerful, connecting art that you ever have before!

Are you crippled by limiting beliefs? Are you tired of being in the SAME place creatively this week than you were last week?

Turn your confusion to clarity and your comparison to confidence with these virtual workshops and retreats.

💖 Connect with like-minded, heart-centered creatives on their journey.

✨ Find a community of powerful women from ALL creative backgrounds to both inspire you and be inspired BY you.

❤️ Walk out the dream placed in your heart with confidence.

Writing Warrior Challenge

Reignite Your Creativity

Unleash Your Power Challenge for Women


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An inspiring place for ALL creatives. No matter what you create.

A safe space to share your dreams.

A space to be open to new possibilities.

A safe space to take creative risks and think outside the box.

These are NOT goal setting workshops.

These are NOT enneagram workshops.

These are NOT webinars on productivity/time management.

These are NOT “done for you” solutions.

These are NOT “writers only” spaces. 

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You create, or want to create, anything.

You have been stuck creatively and ready to get “unstuck.”

You WANT to be creatively consistent, but you’re flat-out drained and have nothing left to give.

You know DEEP DOWN in your heart that the life you’re living now, and the life of your dreams, are not in sync. 

You’re ready to realign, and tap into your creativity full-force.
You’ve only been “skimming off the top” of your creative potential.

You’re ready to maximize your creativity!

Someone has told you that “you can’t” and you believed them (even if that someone was yourself).

You need a warm, and virtual creative hug (or a swift and loving kick in the creative butt) to encourage you to keep going.